Cassini has revealed sights and never-before-seen phenomena that are changing our understanding of how planetary systems develop and evolve, and the extent of those environmental conditions that could create habitats for life.
2018 Issue
Circles of Thought
Linus Pauling (PhD 1925) had a simple idea: pictures
Life in Transition
As she steps down as CEO of the Anita Borg Institute, Telle Whitney (PhD ’85) reflects on her career in tech—and the...
Turning the Tide
Oil spill expert CJ Beegle-Krause on her circuitous academic career, responding to Deepwater Horizon, and the art of predicting spills.
Brain Gains
Understanding the brain is one of the great frontiers in all of science.
Breath of Life
Dan Lieberman and his team are working to bring oxygen to children at risk of dying from pneumonia in the developing world.
Unhackable Rights
John Sarapata and Google’s Jigsaw project are using technology to defend free speech and fight terrorism.
Animating Forces
These Caltech alumni help create the animated films that captivate our imaginations.
Something New Under the Sun
How research into a crippling African weed may be leading the way to a new green revolution. by Steven Boyd SaumPhotography...
Why Caltech?
From the President of the Caltech Alumni Association David Tytell, President, Caltech Alumni AssociationIt’s a question...
The Laureates
This year, four members of the Caltech community, including two alumni, were honored with Nobel Prizes — bringing Caltech’s alumni and faculty total to 38.