How Matanya Horowitz’s Revolutionary Recycling System Could Kick-Start A Global Renaissance

How Matanya Horowitz’s Revolutionary Recycling System Could Kick-Start A Global Renaissance
Pondering the pandemic with 2021 Distinguished Alumni Award recipients
Have you ever wondered where Caltech alumni are now?
Caltech Alumnae Share Insights On Representation and the Funding Crisis for Women In Tech
Famed researcher David Ho, MD (BS ’74), on what we learned about science and society during the pandemic — and how those lessons could help prevent the next one.
Google’s Eve Andersson, MS (BS ’96), on how accessible design can foster both inclusion and innovation
Nicole Yunger Halpern, PhD (PhD ’18) delivers a steampunk adventure guide to how mind-blowing quantum physics is in transforming our understanding of information and energy.
At 23andMe, Jennifer Low MD, PhD (BS ‘90), helps put the precision into precision medicine
How John Dabiri, PhD (MS ’03, PhD ’05), is helping shape the Biden administration’s plans for addressing climate change
Krystal Vasquez created this piece in the hope that one day all these barriers are finally torn down and the disabled scientists that come after her can feel proud of their identities
In 2007, supported by the Caltech Alumni Association, Bob Kieckhefer, BS (BS ’74) and Ponzy Lu, PhD (BS ’64) collaborated to give the current students a landmark that would maintain its place on the Caltech campus forever in stone.
Grant Delbert Venerable, Jr., BS (BS ’32), was the first Black undergraduate student to graduate from the California Institute of Technology