
Process to Join the Board

Process and Overview To identify high-performing potential Board members capable of effectively leading the Caltech Alumni Association (CAA), a large and complex organization that represents more than 25,000 Caltech alumni across the world, the Nomination Proposal...

Discover Norway with Mark Simons

[ba_card photo="" use_badge="on" badge_text="7/12 - 7/18/15" title="with Mark Simons" description="Sun. 7/12 - Sat. 7/18/15 Caltech Alumni, Alexx Tobeck and Mark Simmons visit Norway."...

Columbia & Snake Rivers with John Hill

[ba_card photo="" use_badge="on" badge_text="10/8 - 10/14/16" title="with John Hall" description="Sat. 10/8 - Fri. 10/14/16 Columbia and Snake River Trip with John Hall."...

Madras, Oregon Eclipse Trip

[ba_card photo="" use_badge="on" badge_text="8/18 - 8/22/17" title="Eclipse Trip" description="Fri. 8/18/17 - Tue. 8/22/17 Madras, Oregon eclipse trip with Caltech Alumni."...

See Who’s Attending

See Who’s Attending (In-Person) Returning to campus for Seminar Day? See who’s attending in-person.See Who’s Attending...

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Krystal Vasquez

Krystal Vasquez

Krystal Vasquez created this piece in the hope that one day all these barriers are finally torn down and the disabled scientists that come after her can feel proud of their identities

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Caltech Analemmatic Sundial

Caltech Analemmatic Sundial

In 2007, supported by the Caltech Alumni Association, Bob Kieckhefer, BS (BS ’74) and Ponzy Lu, PhD (BS ’64) collaborated to give the current students a landmark that would maintain its place on the Caltech campus forever in stone.

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