
Paul Faust

Paul Harry Faust (Chemistry, Throop, 1941) passed on at his daughter Betty’s home in the southeast of Mexico on January 13, 2021.  He would have been 102 this April.  After graduation, he worked as a chemical engineer in Mobil Oil beginning in the Torrance refinery...

Leon M. Keer

Leon M. Keer, Walter P. Murphy Professor Emeritus of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, died on January 12, 2021, at age 86. He was a leader and prolific researcher on tribology (contact and fracture mechanics) and will be remembered as a...

Peter Gottlieb

Dr. Peter GottliebNovember 29, 1935 – January 2, 2021 Dr. Peter Gottlieb passed away peacefully surrounded by family in Menlo Park, California at the age of 85. Peter is survived by his two sons: Michael and James, his daughter: Gabrielle and 4 grandchildren. He is...
Caltech Analemmatic Sundial

Caltech Analemmatic Sundial

In 2007, supported by the Caltech Alumni Association, Bob Kieckhefer, BS (BS ’74) and Ponzy Lu, PhD (BS ’64) collaborated to give the current students a landmark that would maintain its place on the Caltech campus forever in stone.

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Volunteer Spotlight: Susan Read (MS ’00)

Volunteer Spotlight: Susan Read (MS ’00)

This year, Caltech's freshman orientation took place on September 18 and 19 in Ventura, California. Over the two days, students from the class of 2021 attended talks about the Honor Code and academics, met deans and resident associates, and participated in elective...

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