
Reef Relief

How Tom Goreau’s, PhD (MS ’72) electrifying technology is helping local communities rebuild the world’s coral reefs

The Flavor Fanatic

“What is it about food that makes it so appealing? We need to eat, we need to fuel ourselves, but why is it delicious?”

Kitchen Aid

In a sector eager to cut costs, Ryan Sinnet, PhD (BS ’07) has developed a solution. As cofounder and chief research officer at Miso Robotics in Pasadena, Sinnet sees the untapped potential of a human-robot workforce

New Departures: Techer Alumni Tours Reboot

As Anthony Bourdain once said, “Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable… The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.”

Fine Print

Fine Print

In the lab of Julia Greer, PhD, Max A. Saccone, PhD (PhD ’22) and Rebecca A. Gallivan, MS (MS ’22) co-authored a paper in which they detailed a refined approach to metal printing.

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Electric Avenue

Electric Avenue

With Brian Sisk, PhD (PhD ’04) helming battery design, Rivian is taking the electric revolution off-road

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Fueling Research

Fueling Research

Ernie Mercado dished out good food at low prices for 34 years at Caltech. Upon his retirement, alumni and students showed their appreciation by raising more than $35,000 as a final tip.

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