
Binding Lights

In a recent research paper, assistant professor Alireza Marandi delves into the innovative realm of mode-locked lasers.

The Pioneers

On the 50th anniversary of their graduation, the first four-year female graduates reflect on their time on campus—and where they went from here.

All In

The key to a more sustainable future? Make sure everyone can join the hunt for solutions, says National Energy Technology Laboratory director Marianne Walck.

Mother Nurture

Maneesh Jain, PhD (BS ’90) has spent his career seeking out the next scientific frontier, where rapid innovation can make a significant difference in people’s lives.

Binding Lights

Binding Lights

In a recent research paper, assistant professor Alireza Marandi delves into the innovative realm of mode-locked lasers.

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The Pioneers

The Pioneers

On the 50th anniversary of their graduation, the first four-year female graduates reflect on their time on campus—and where they went from here.

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All In

All In

The key to a more sustainable future? Make sure everyone can join the hunt for solutions, says National Energy Technology Laboratory director Marianne Walck.

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The Right Fit

The Right Fit

Raquel Vélez, BS (BS ’07) on her pivot from tech to fashion, the stereotypes that affect the apparel industry, and how sustainability is still possible in a world of fast fashion

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Fine Print

Fine Print

In the lab of Julia Greer, PhD, Max A. Saccone, PhD (PhD ’22) and Rebecca A. Gallivan, MS (MS ’22) co-authored a paper in which they detailed a refined approach to metal printing.

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