
Intersections: From My ‘Personal Archive’

by Niv KarthikeyanThe last seven months have been transformative. To give you a taste of the projects I have been working on, the communities I have connected with, and the ways that my experiences have allowed me to start reimagining both myself and the world, I...

Arnold L. Grossberg

Graduation Year:[ba_dual_button btn_alignment="center" btn_a_text="Go Back" btn_a_link="" btn_b_text="Home" btn_b_link="" button_gap="10px" _builder_version="4.25.2" _dynamic_attributes="btn_a_link,btn_b_link" _module_preset="default" custom_btn_a="on"...

James Komarek

Jim Komarek founded his own chip design company, Creative Integrated Systems located in Irvine, CA. He ran it successfully for many years until he became ill in 2012. He then retired and died in Irvine in August of 2021. Graduation Year:[ba_dual_button...

John Stuart

Graduation Year:[ba_dual_button btn_alignment="center" btn_a_text="Go Back" btn_a_link="" btn_b_text="Home" btn_b_link="" button_gap="10px" _builder_version="4.25.2" _dynamic_attributes="btn_a_link,btn_b_link" _module_preset="default" custom_btn_a="on"...
Americans in Paris

Americans in Paris

Travel is more than a destination. And despite the cliché, it’s more than the journey. The right travel companions can make a good trip into a great experience.

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Mining the Skies

Mining the Skies

Have Joel Sercel, PhD (MS ’87, PhD ’93) and TransAstra finally figured out how to unlock the promise of asteroid mining?

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