Alan Johnston

Robert Rinker
The Adventure Continues
In Memoriam | Lt Col Eric “Doc” Schultz (PhD ’00)
Eric Schultz (PhD ’00), age 44, was a test pilot in the US Air Force.
Brig. Gen. Gilbert William Kirby, Jr.
MS ’56
Gregory P. Doyle
BS ’80
Cassini Retro Posters
Cassini’s 20th century technology has shaped the future of 21st century science. So maybe it’s not surprising artists have found inspiration both the past and the future in creating inspiring artwork to celebrate the mission.
Cassini’s Final Plunge
It ended with a bang and with a whisper. Closing out a chapter of the study of Saturn and its moons and rings, NASA's Cassini spacecraft plunged into the atmosphere of Saturn on September 15, burning up as it streaked across Saturn's sky—while back on Earth, the...
Sorting Molecules with DNA Robots
Imagine a robot that could help you tidy your home: roving about, sorting stray socks into the laundry and dirty dishes into the dishwasher. While such a practical helper may still be the stuff of science fiction, Caltech scientists have developed an autonomous...
The Giving Reflex
Peter Hung has seen Caltech from a variety of angles—as an undergraduate, a graduate student, an award-winning instructor, a research mentor, an alumnus, and a donor. His story is a case study in what Caltech gives to its community, and how that community gives back....
First On-chip Nanoscale Optical Quantum Memory Developed
For the first time, an international team led by engineers at Caltech has developed a computer chip with nanoscale optical quantum memory. Quantum memory stores information in a similar fashion to the way traditional computer memory does, but on individual quantum...