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Have you ever wondered where Caltech alumni are now?
Robert Jennings
Chemistry and Biology
Eric Schultz
PhD ’00
Pioneer of “Directed Evolution” Wins Lifetime Achievement Award
Frances Arnold, the Dick and Barbara Dickinson Professor of Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering and Biochemistry, is being honored with the Society of Women Engineers' 2017 Achievement Award. The society's highest award, the Achievement Award is given out every year...
Training a Machine to Watch Soccer
Identifying dynamic player roles proves critical for understanding coordinated team behavior Though soccer players have assigned roles, it is routine for players to swap positions throughout the course of a game, or even during a single play. Players and fans...
Prospective Applicants Explore Opportunities for Women at Caltech
Robert E. Scheid
PhD ’82
Pulsars and Pretzels
NASA’s Voyager Spacecraft Still Reaching for the Stars
Time to Crack Some Stacks—It’s Ditch Day!
Ditch Day, one of Caltech's oldest traditions, took place on May 26. During this annual spring rite—the timing of which is kept secret until the last minute—seniors ditch their classes and vanish from campus. Before they go, however, they leave behind complex,...
A Community that Cares
Mojolaoluwa “Josh” Sonola had a choice to make: Georgia Tech or Caltech? As the curtains were closing on his high school days, Mojolaoluwa "Josh" Sonola had a choice to make. Stay near home and go to Georgia Tech, or strike out for the West Coast and study at Caltech?...