BS ’63

BS ’63
Eric Ostby, PhD (MS ’04, PhD ’09) on the current state of quantum computing—and the shape of things to come
Raquel Vélez, BS (BS ’07) on her pivot from tech to fashion, the stereotypes that affect the apparel industry, and how sustainability is still possible in a world of fast fashion
PhD ’54
It is with great sadness that we announce Distinguished Alumnus Dr. Carel Otte, Jr. (MS '50, PhD '54) passed away on July 21. He was 96 years old. A native of the Netherlands, Dr. Otte came to the United States in 1948 to attend Caltech after earning a bachelor's...
BS ’89
BS ’49, MS ’50
BS ’68
Linus Pauling (PhD 1925) had a simple idea: pictures
Oil spill expert CJ Beegle-Krause on her circuitous academic career, responding to Deepwater Horizon, and the art of predicting spills.