
Mining the Skies

Have Joel Sercel, PhD (MS ’87, PhD ’93) and TransAstra finally figured out how to unlock the promise of asteroid mining? by Steven Boyd Saum Photography by Leah Lee Until A Few Years Ago, the total number of satellites in orbit was just a few thousand. In the next...

William Helman

Phillip Helman passed away peacefully on the 8th of November, 2022 in South Bend, IN. He was born November 2, 1936 in Grand Junction, Colorado, the son of John Phillip and Claire Goldsmith Helman. He had one sister, Jacqueline Beatrice Campbell who died in 2003....

The Price of Pixels

NFT platform founder Matt Lim, BS (BS ’17) on the future of the form by Dan MorrellPhotography by Webb ChappellTo Matt Lim, BS (BS ’17) the non-fungible token (NFT) movement feels like the perfect culmination of his varied interests. At Caltech, he designed and...

My Own Devices

Google privacy engineer Jeremy Gillula, PhD (BS ’06) on how protecting personal data became a priority—and what will shape the future of digital freedom by Alexander GelfandIllustration by Stuart BradfordJeremy Gillula, PhD (BS ’06) was halfway through a PhD in...
Caltech in Austin

Caltech in Austin

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