
Krystal Vasquez

Krystal Vasquez created this piece in the hope that one day all these barriers are finally torn down and the disabled scientists that come after her can feel proud of their identities Krystal Vasquez When I became disabled in grad school, I knew only one other...

Eugene N. Parker, DAA, TB

Caltech Distinguished Alumnus Eugene Parker (PhD '51) passed away on March 15 at age 94. Parker was a pioneer in the field of heliophysics, the study of the sun and how it affects Earth, the planets in our solar system, and space beyond. In 1958, Parker correctly...

William “Bill” J. Sharman

Bill Sharman, fondly known as “Squeeze," grew up in San Diego, CA and entered Caltech in 1971. A resident of Lloyd House, Squeeze played football and numerous intramural sports. He was an Air Force ROTC Cadet and was commissioned as a 2nd Lt. in the US Air Force after...

Caltech Analemmatic Sundial

In 2007, supported by the Caltech Alumni Association, Bob Kieckhefer, BS (BS ’74) and Ponzy Lu, PhD (BS ’64) collaborated to give the current students a landmark that would maintain its place on the Caltech campus forever in stone. by Zachary KelchPhoto by Srikar...
The Flavor Fanatic

The Flavor Fanatic

“What is it about food that makes it so appealing? We need to eat, we need to fuel ourselves, but why is it delicious?”

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Kitchen Aid

Kitchen Aid

In a sector eager to cut costs, Ryan Sinnet, PhD (BS ’07) has developed a solution. As cofounder and chief research officer at Miso Robotics in Pasadena, Sinnet sees the untapped potential of a human-robot workforce

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