BS ’12 | Biology “The Chang Prize will help me focus my energy on decreasing stigma and offer legitimacy to my efforts...
Pauline Ku
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BS ’12 | Biology “The Chang Prize will help me focus my energy on decreasing stigma and offer legitimacy to my efforts...
BS ’22 | Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy In an exploration of careers in sustainable fashion, Colborn will apply...
BS ’14 | Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy As part of filmmaking career exploration, Zemlianova will create a film...
BS ’51
’51 Geology/Geophysics
The Caltech Alumni Association (CAA) presented its Honorary Member Award to four members of the Caltech community on June 13, 2020 during the CAA Annual Meeting hosted virtually via Zoom. This year’s recipients are Taso Dimitriadis, Associate Director of the Caltech...