On Thursday, September 26, join Caltech at the Four Seasons Hotel Boston to meet your local Techer community and Techers from across the country who may be traveling in the area.

On Thursday, September 26, join Caltech at the Four Seasons Hotel Boston to meet your local Techer community and Techers from across the country who may be traveling in the area.
Alumni Weekend and Reunions 2024
BS ’17 | Economics and Applied and Computational Mathematics “The Chang Prize fast-tracked me to becoming a subject...
Chemical Engineering
Clarence Allen (MS ’51, PhD ’54), professor of geology and geophysics, emeritus, and a prominent seismologist, passed away on January 21, 2021. He was 96 years old.
On February 18, 2021, NASA’s Perseverance rover landed in Jezero Crater on Mars. The team identified Jezero Crater as an ancient lakebed, illustrated here—as it may have been billions of years ago—filled with water.
Ernie Mercado dished out good food at low prices for 34 years at Caltech. Upon his retirement, alumni and students showed their appreciation by raising more than $35,000 as a final tip.
The Milton and Rosalind Chang Career Exploration Prize empowers alumna to bring tales of social justice back to the collective consciousness.
Caltech will hold a virtual degree conferral and graduation ceremony on Friday, June 11, 2021.