MS '89, PhD '95Laurie Leshin, PhD (MS '89, PhD '95), president of Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), is lauded...
Kam-Yin Lau
BS '78, MS '78, PhD '78Kam-Yin Lau (BS '78, MS '78, PhD '81), professor emeritus of electrical engineering and...
Sudhir Jain
MS '80, PhD '83Sudhir Kumar Jain (MS '80, PhD '83), vice chancellor of Banaras Hindu University in India, is...
Mining the Skies
Have Joel Sercel, PhD (MS ’87, PhD ’93) and TransAstra finally figured out how to unlock the promise of asteroid mining?
William Helman
The Price of Pixels
NFT platform founder Matt Lim, BS (BS ’17) on the future of the form
My Own Devices
Google privacy engineer Jeremy Gillula, PhD (BS ’06) on how protecting personal data became a priority—and what will shape the future of digital freedom
Donald Furst
The Sustainable City
The United Nations predicts that 70% of the world’s population will live in urban centers in the next 30 years. The city of the future will need to function differently than it does today, and the change over the next three decades will be rapid.
The Lesson Plan {For AI}
How Advances in Edtech Can Help Ensure Educational Equity
The Hole Picture
The first image of the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way
Ripple Effect
How a revolutionary solar-powered water pump is transforming the lives of small-plot farmers in India How a revolutionary solar-powered water pump is transforming the lives of small-plot farmers in India