
Finding My Muse

Why I walked away from a successful career as a scientist to follow a calling to write. by Joram Piatigorsky (PhD ’67)Illustration by Fabio ConsoliI DOUBT THAT my mother, the French sculptress born Jacqueline de Rothschild of the banking dynasty famous for their art...

Eric G. Adelberger (BS ’60, PhD ’67) Awarded Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics

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Submit your Nominations for the 2020 Distinguished Alumni Awards

The Distinguished Alumni Award (DAA)—Caltech’s highest honor for alumni—is presented this year to four alumni who, because of both personal commitment and professional contributions, have made remarkable impacts in a field, on the community, or in society more...
A Passion for Stats

A Passion for Stats

Dean Oliver (BS ’90) Director of Player Personnel and Analytics, Sacramento Kingsfrom E&S+ Unusual for Caltech, what started for me was a career in sports, one that now has me in the front office of the Sacramento Kings. In the last years of high school, the...

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