In a recent research paper, assistant professor Alireza Marandi delves into the innovative realm of mode-locked lasers.
The Pioneers
On the 50th anniversary of their graduation, the first four-year female graduates reflect on their time on campus—and where they went from here.
All In
The key to a more sustainable future? Make sure everyone can join the hunt for solutions, says National Energy Technology Laboratory director Marianne Walck.
Fine Print
In the lab of Julia Greer, PhD, Max A. Saccone, PhD (PhD ’22) and Rebecca A. Gallivan, MS (MS ’22) co-authored a paper in which they detailed a refined approach to metal printing.
Code for Change
How Entrepreneur Kudah Mushambi, MS/MBA (BS ’00) Is Reprogramming Africa Into A Tech Hub
Electric Avenue
With Brian Sisk, PhD (PhD ’04) helming battery design, Rivian is taking the electric revolution off-road
Shocking Upset
In 1968, Wally Rippel, BS (BS ’68) and his Caltech team challenged MIT students to a cross-country race of electric cars
Paper Trails
This grizzly bear is made from a single sheet of handmade paper
On the 50th anniversary of their graduation, the first women to earn bachelor’s degrees at Caltech reflect on the experience
Reef Relief
How Tom Goreau’s, PhD (MS ’72) electrifying technology is helping local communities rebuild the world’s coral reefs
The Flavor Fanatic
“What is it about food that makes it so appealing? We need to eat, we need to fuel ourselves, but why is it delicious?”
Kitchen Aid
In a sector eager to cut costs, Ryan Sinnet, PhD (BS ’07) has developed a solution. As cofounder and chief research officer at Miso Robotics in Pasadena, Sinnet sees the untapped potential of a human-robot workforce