
Breaking News

AI, deepfakes, and misinformation are already complicating the political landscape. How can the American public navigate this election season?

Fashion >> Forward

For Daniel Mukasa, the future of wearables requires sweating the small stuff.

Burn Notice

Wildfires are on the rise across the globe and curbing them will be a team effort among organizations and technology. Gilberto DeSalvo and his company, Delphire, are joining the battle.

The Science of Art

Fernando de Goes, PhD (MS ’11, PhD ’14) won an Academy Scientific and Technical Award in February for his work developing Pixar’s Fizt2 elastic simulation system.

Mother Nurture

Mother Nurture

Maneesh Jain, PhD (BS ’90) has spent his career seeking out the next scientific frontier, where rapid innovation can make a significant difference in people’s lives.

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Breaking News

Breaking News

AI, deepfakes, and misinformation are already complicating the political landscape. How can the American public navigate this election season?

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Kitchen Aid

Kitchen Aid

In a sector eager to cut costs, Ryan Sinnet, PhD (BS ’07) has developed a solution. As cofounder and chief research officer at Miso Robotics in Pasadena, Sinnet sees the untapped potential of a human-robot workforce

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New Departures: Techer Alumni Tours Reboot

New Departures: Techer Alumni Tours Reboot

As Anthony Bourdain once said, “Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable… The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.”

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