Alumni News

Caltech Alumni Association Update Regarding COVID-19

March 11, 2020 With great concern for the health and well-being of our campus community and Caltech alumni worldwide, we, the Caltech Alumni Association (CAA) leadership, are strategically canceling several CAA events in response to COVID-19. Caltech Alumni event...

Two Recent Alumnae Win the Second Annual Chang Career Exploration Prize

October 28, 2019 Caltech has awarded the second annual Milton and Rosalind Chang Career Exploration Prize to one undergraduate alumna, Preethi Periyakoil (BS ’18, Computer Science) and one graduate alumna, Nicole Tetreault (PhD ’13, Biology). Periyakoil received the...

View A Conversation with the 2018 Chang Prize Recipients Webinar

Enjoy a conversation with the 2018 Chang Prize recipients, Sean McKenna (BS ’17, Economics and Applied and Computational Mathematics) and Kyle Lakatos (MS ’14, Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics), as originally broadcast on July 24, 2019. Sean McKenna shares his...
Training a Machine to Watch Soccer

Training a Machine to Watch Soccer

Identifying dynamic player roles proves critical for understanding coordinated team behavior Though soccer players have assigned roles, it is routine for players to swap positions throughout the course of a game, or even during a single play. Players and fans...

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Time to Crack Some Stacks—It’s Ditch Day!

Time to Crack Some Stacks—It’s Ditch Day!

Ditch Day, one of Caltech's oldest traditions, took place on May 26. During this annual spring rite—the timing of which is kept secret until the last minute—seniors ditch their classes and vanish from campus. Before they go, however, they leave behind complex,...

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A Community that Cares

A Community that Cares

Mojolaoluwa “Josh” Sonola had a choice to make: Georgia Tech or Caltech? As the curtains were closing on his high school days, Mojolaoluwa "Josh" Sonola had a choice to make. Stay near home and go to Georgia Tech, or strike out for the West Coast and study at Caltech?...

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The Caltech Effect: First in Her Family

The Caltech Effect: First in Her Family

A fascination with science led Bianca Lepe (BS ’16) to Caltech. When she found out she got into Caltech and received a full scholarship, Bianca Lepe (BS '16) screamed—and her mom cried. Watch this video from  The Caltech Effect, the e-magazine of the Break Through...

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