Fires in the greater Los Angeles area have had significant impact on the Caltech's community and surrounding areas. For information and resources for members of the Caltech community, go to

Alumni News

Eric G. Adelberger (BS ’60, PhD ’67) Awarded Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics

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Submit your Nominations for the 2020 Distinguished Alumni Awards

The Distinguished Alumni Award (DAA)—Caltech’s highest honor for alumni—is presented this year to four alumni who, because of both personal commitment and professional contributions, have made remarkable impacts in a field, on the community, or in society more...

A Message from the Caltech Alumni Association

June 9, 2020 Dear Fellow Alumni, What happens to one of us affects all of us. We Caltech Alumni are, by and large, a community that sought science, engineering, academia, and other intellectual pursuits as these practices enable us to make positive contributions to...


Last year, Caltech’s Center for Autonomous Systems and Technologies (CAST)—an interdisciplinary research center that is developing the next generation of autonomous robots—announced five ambitious goals to guide its work.

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Scenes from Frosh Camp

This year, Caltech's freshman orientation took place on September 18 and 19 in Ventura, California. Over the two days, students from the class of 2021 attended talks about the Honor Code and academics, met deans and resident associates, and participated in elective...

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