Alumni News

Archiving Communities of Resilience and Resistance in Caltech’s Present & Past

This panel marked the end of the first quarter of my 2020 Chang Prize project, “Intersections” – a project that I imagined would explore the ways that recording and remembering community histories could inform, ground, and inspire new forms of solidarity building. I...

Alumna Nivetha Karthikeyan (BS ’20) Awarded Third Annual Chang Career Exploration Prize

November 13, 2020 Caltech has awarded the third annual Milton and Rosalind Chang Career Exploration Prize to alumna Nivetha (Niv) Karthikeyan (BS ’20) for her proposed project “Intersections: Building Solidarity Through Community Archives,” which intends to construct...

Four Caltech Staff Receive 2020 Honorary Member Award

The Caltech Alumni Association (CAA) presented its Honorary Member Award to four members of the Caltech community on June 13, 2020 during the CAA Annual Meeting hosted virtually via Zoom. This year’s recipients are Taso Dimitriadis, Associate Director of the Caltech...

Campus Highlights

2019 Year in Review Caltech Dedicates the Ronald and Maxine Linde Hall of Mathematics and Physics JANUARY 31 Lead funding from Board of Trustees vice chair Ronald Linde (MS ’62, PhD ’64) and his wife, Maxine, helped bring to life a new home for the Department of...
2018 Year in Review

2018 Year in Review

2018 Year in Review Chemistry Professor Harry Gray Receives Feynman Teaching Prize FEBRUARY 19 Harry Gray, the Arnold O. Beckman Professor of Chemistry, was awarded Caltech’s Richard P. Feynman Prize for Excellence in Teaching in honor of his six-decade career at the...

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Wilton Wells Webster, Jr. (BS ’49), 1928–2018

Wilton Wells (“Will”) Webster, Jr. (BS ’49), a pioneering inventor of cardiac catheters, passed away on November 10. He was 90. Curing patients with heart arrhythmias by radio-frequency ablation using catheters was a novel approach until Will Webster, together with...

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A Celebration of Caltech Alumnus Frank Capra

A Celebration of Caltech Alumnus Frank Capra and Screening of It’s a Wonderful Life Join CaltechLive! for a free, holiday screening of It’s a Wonderful Life on Saturday, December 1 in Caltech’s Beckman Auditorium. The screening is part of a broader tribute to Caltech...

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