Fires in the greater Los Angeles area have had significant impact on the Caltech's community and surrounding areas. For information and resources for members of the Caltech community, go to

Alumni News

Register Now for Reunion Weekend and Seminar Day

Thank you for attending! Save the Date Reunion Weekend 2020Thursday, May 14 – Sunday, May 1783rd Annual Seminar DaySaturday, May 16 ‍ 2019 Reunion Weekend & 82nd Annual Seminar Day Photo Highlights Reunion Weekend 2019 — ThursdayReunion Weekend 2019 —...

Water World

Taking on the water crisis at home and abroad by Steven Boyd Saum Illustrated by Valerie Chiang When it comes to water, the story of Cape Town, South Africa, is a cautionary tale for Southern California and other areas across the United States, says Adrian Hightower...
Alumni Spotlight: Dean Oliver (BS ’90)

Alumni Spotlight: Dean Oliver (BS ’90)

While a student at Caltech, Dean Oliver (BS ’90) formed a system to track NBA statistics — and went on to revolutionize modern basketball analytics (read below). In this webinar Dean discusses his career path and the use of analytics in basketball.A Passion for Stats...

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Remembering Richard P. Feynman

Remembering Richard P. Feynman

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A Passion for Stats

A Passion for Stats

Dean Oliver (BS ’90) Director of Player Personnel and Analytics, Sacramento Kingsfrom E&S+ Unusual for Caltech, what started for me was a career in sports, one that now has me in the front office of the Sacramento Kings. In the last years of high school, the...

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