Caltech by the Numbers

Jun 18, 2023 | News, Spring 2023

Graph detailing Caltech Alumni

• Data is current as of January 10, 2023.
• Of Caltech’s 25,500 living alumni, the Institute has verified contact information for 24,593 alumni. Numbers included on these pages are subsets of the Contactable Alumni data.
• In/Outside Major US Metropolitan Areas excludes 1,453 alumni contactable via email, but without a current physical address on record.
• Alumni By Degree and Division will vary from total number of alumni due to Techers who have earned multiple degrees at Caltech.
• Currently Caltech data only allows for binary capture of gender, but Caltech is aware of the issue and working on solutions to allow alumni more inclusive,
non-binary options in the future

Click to view the numbers

Detailed Caltech Alumni information

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