Fires in the greater Los Angeles area have had significant impact on the Caltech's community and surrounding areas. For information and resources for members of the Caltech community, go to

Board FAQs

1. What is the Caltech Alumni Association (CAA) Board of Directors, and what are its primary responsibilities?

The Caltech Alumni Association Board of Directors is a governance board responsible for executing the Association’s Mission and Strategic Plan in alignment with the strategic goals of Caltech. Directors have fiduciary responsibilities and are responsible for setting CAA’s direction and examining strategy. Board Directors are elected on a rotating basis and each serves a term of three (3) years unless removed or resigned.

The Board and its Directors are not responsible for the day-to-day operations of CAA, which are overseen by CAA Staff and include the creation and leadership of programs, events, and related efforts.

2. What is the difference between the CAA Board and Staff?

The Caltech Alumni Association Board is a governance board. Accordingly, the Board does not create or lead programs, events, alumni-facing content, or other efforts; those are the responsibilities of the CAA Staff and Caltech executive leadership. CAA Staff works to support the Board and Association by overseeing the day-to-day operations of CAA, including the creation and leadership of CAA programsevents, and alumni-facing content, among other important tasks.

3. What type of work does a Director of the Board do?

Directors of the Board have fiduciary duties and operate in accordance with the Association’s Bylaws for managing finances and strategy.

A Director of the Board of the Caltech Alumni Association is a leader responsible for providing strategic guidance and oversight to the CAA across its various functions. The Board of Directors’ ultimate role is to assist the Alumni Association’s President/Chief Executive Officer, Staff, and volunteers in carrying out the Mission and Strategic Plan of the Association in concert with the strategic goals of the Institute. In addition to participating in the evaluation of the Executive Director and their performance on behalf of CAA, Board members hold fiduciary responsibility for more than $10 million in annual reserves and operating budgets for programs and communications.

4. What is required of a Director of the Board?

Directors of the Board are asked to commit a considerable amount of time and resources to the CAA, including participating in approximately 20 events throughout the year and contributing financially and through their network to the Alumni Association as well as the Institute. In addition to attending regular quarterly Board meetings, Members of the Board of Directors are expected to serve on at least one Standing Committee and participate in monthly meetings as needed. Members are also expected to attend and assist with CAA events and special meetings, including Seminar Day, an annual retreatreunions, and other events and alumni experiences.

5. How is the Board governed?

The Board is guided first and foremost by the CAA Bylaws. Directors of the Board familiarize themselves with these Bylaws and commit to the significant responsibilities of a not-for-profit governing board. The Board reviews its efficacy, composition, organization, and responsibilities annually and improves performance accordingly. The Board also evaluates and proposes prospective board members, and fills vacancies as needed.

6. What type of Board is the CAA Board?

CAA is a nonprofit governing board. Unlike a working or advisory board, nonprofit governing boards like CAA refrain from involvement in the day-to-day operations of an organization. Instead, a nonprofit governing board oversees operations through periodic meetings to discuss and vote on the organization’s Mission, Vision, strategic directions, and performance. Board Directors serve with term limits to ensure turnover and succession of members and diversity of ideas. They offer strategy, oversight, and accountability. Governing boards like CAA refrain from involvement in the day-to-day operations of an organization.

7. What qualities make a successful Director of the Board?

Directors of the Board are most successful when they are:

  • Focused on strategic goals for the long-term viability of the Caltech Alumni Association
  • Motivated to fulfill the mission of the Alumni Association
  • Willing to actively support board decisions and work with fellow Directors of the Board in a spirit of cooperation
  • Refraining from actions and involvement that might prove embarrassing to or in conflict with the Mission, Vision, and Values of the Alumni Association or Caltech
  • Willing and open to learning new information and refining best practices that improve the operations and performance of nonprofit governing boards like CAA


8. What are the eligibility requirements and desired characteristics for a Director of the Board?

Eligibility requirements are as follows:

  • Caltech degree holders classified as an alumnus/a by Caltech are eligible for service on the Board
  • Current trustees on the Caltech Board of Trustees are not eligible for service on the Alumni Association Board of Directors
  • Non-degree holders and honorary alumni are not eligible for service on the Board of Directors

To develop its report for the Board’s Candidate slate, the Nomination Proposal Committee also considers a set of relevant attributes for Directors of the Board including:

  • Commitment to CAA’s mission and goals, and willingness to invest the time and energy necessary for effective service
  • Understanding and experience with complex organizations like CAA
  • Passion and advocacy on behalf of CAA’s mission and goals
  • Integrity and ethics of potential Directors, including their ability and willingness to prioritize the best interests of the organization, avoid conflicts of interest, and uphold principles of transparency, accountability, and fairness
  • Collaboration skills including the ability to work collectively as a team with fellow Board Directors and CAA Staff, maintaining respect for diverse viewpoints, and contributing to a positive and productive Board culture
  • Leadership skills including mediation, community-building, and consensus-building
  • Communication Skills including the ability to express oneself clearly, actively listen to others, and engage in constructive dialogue
  • Financial acumen sufficient to understand complex financial matters and oversee the organization’s financial health and sustainability
  • The ability to learn continuously and a willingness to adapt to new circumstances and information
  • Active participation in CAA and other alumni-related activities, such as organizing events or volunteering.

9. What is the number of Directors required to conduct CAA Board business?

‍Per CAA Bylaws, the CAA Board of Directors shall have no less than fifteen (15) nor more than twenty-two (22) Directors. To ensure efficiency of operations, the Board determines the exact number of Directors within those parameters.‍

10. What happens if no seats for the CAA Board of Directors are open in a given year?

‍To ensure the Board continues to maintain fiscal responsibility and govern CAA efficiently, an election in any given year will be deferred to the following year if the Board determines that there are no open Director seats within the parameters set by CAA Bylaws.

Conducting an election costs roughly $70,000 plus at least 100 hours of staff time, including mailing, receiving, and processing thousands of ballots along with associated administrative and logistical costs. By deferring the election, the CAA can conserve these resources and utilize them for other important initiatives and programs that benefit the alumni community, such as in-person events where alumni live.


11. How can I be considered for membership on the CAA Board of Directors?

Detailed information about the nomination and election process can be found in Process to Join the Board.

12. How long do Directors of the Board serve? How often are they elected?

Directors on the Board of the CAA serve 3-year terms, and approximately one-third of the Board rolls off and is replenished with a new cohort of Directors each year.


Last updated: February 26, 2025

Process to Join the Board

Process and Overview

To identify high-performing potential Board members capable of effectively leading the Caltech Alumni Association (CAA), a large and complex organization that represents more than 25,000 Caltech alumni across the world, the Nomination Proposal Committee receives nominations and, if an election is held, advises the Board in carefully developing an initial slate of candidates for CAA Board of Director seats that will be vacated in September of each year.

The Nomination Proposal Committee is guided by the principle that the Board should represent the diverse perspectives of all Caltech alumni. It comprises 6 Directors of the Board and 4 alumni not affiliated with the Board to ensure the CAA’s broader needs and priorities are addressed to benefit all members.

While taking account of the Board’s present composition and the organization’s future needs to develop its report for the Board’s Candidate slate, the Nomination Proposal Committee considers a set of relevant attributes including:

  • A commitment to investing the time and energy necessary for effective service
  • An understanding of complex organizations
  • Leadership, mediation, community-building, and consensus-building skills
  • Experience and accomplishment in one of the following academic or professional domains relevant to the Caltech and effective organizational management: Healthcare/ Medicine, Advocacy/Public Policy, Fundraising, Government Relations, Marketing, Financial Management: Accounting, Financial Management: Investments, Law, Public Relations, and Social Media

As outlined in the Board and Members Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), the nominations process includes two periods for identifying board candidates: an Open Nomination Period and an Open Petition Period.

Nominations may be submitted at any time using the Online Nomination Portal. Nominations received after the Open Petition Period closes (usually late April), when the Nomination Proposal Committee has begun the current year’s selection process, will be considered for the following year.

For information about the nomination and election processes, visit the Board and Members FAQs.

Nomination materials are reviewed by the Nomination Proposal Committee. Nominees and interested parties may also be invited for video interviews with the Nomination Proposal Committee. If an election is held and eligible nominations are received during the Open Nomination Period, the CAA Board will formally announce the slate for the following year in June.

If no eligible petitions are received during the Open Petition Period, nominations shall be closed, and the Secretary will cast the unanimous vote to elect those slate nominees at the Annual Meeting of Members.

If eligible petitions are received during the Open Petition Period, nomination materials and relevant information for all candidates will be published in advance of the eventual election on the CAA website during the Open Ballot Period (August – September)A ballot shall then be prepared and distributed to each CAA member during the Open Ballot Period. Members then vote to select Directors from a combined pool of candidates, including those selected during the Open Nomination Period and all eligible petitioners.

Once all eligible votes are received, the Board will canvass the vote and notify those elected prior to the Annual Meeting of Members in September. In the event of a tie, the Board shall elect one of the tied candidates by plurality vote. Elected Directors will be formally announced at the Annual Meeting of Members to ensure full transparency to all CAA members. Please note, a ballot election incurs a large cost for the Caltech Alumni Association including the costs of mailing, receiving, and processing thousands of ballots. The Online Nomination Portalremains open year around to ensure all interested candidates can be considered without the need to petition.

To further ensure inclusivity and responsiveness to its members, the CAA Board of Directors also introduced e-voting in 2022. CAA members who wish to vote electronically may do so by opting to receive an electronic ballot and communications.



To ensure CAA members are aware and have the opportunity to participate in the nomination and election processes, a brief timeline of notable events is included below:

  • April: The Nomination Proposal Committee begins reviewing applications received to date for the upcoming election
  • June: The Board’s Slate of Nominees are announced
  • By June 14: Open Petition Period Closes
  • August – September (Pending Petitions): Open Ballot/Voting‍ if an election is held and qualified petitions received
  • September (Annual Meeting of Members): If an election is held, new directors are announced at this meeting



Last updated: January 29, 2024

CAA Bylaws

The Caltech Alumni Association Board of Directors has periodically updated the Association’s bylaws over the years to ensure its bylaws remain inline with other high-performing alumni associations. These and future updates are intended to improve the Board’s operations, increase transparency and accountability, improve responsiveness to its members, and address items that were missing from the previous bylaws, such as clarifying important milestones and outlining procedures for term limits, resignations, and replacements of Directors and Officers.

Last updated: July 5, 2023

Ballots & Electronic Voting

1. Can members vote via an electronic method?

Electronic transmission voting for CAA members is allowed and encouraged. However, there are requirements that must be followed for an individual to request electronic voting. See information concerning these requirements.

Source: Section 10.42 of Advising California Nonprofit Corporations entitled “Electronic Transmission by or to the Corporation,” published by Continuing Education of the Bar, 2021.

2. Can I change my preference to vote by electronic transmission?

Individual CAA members must make this request via signed document and include the email address that will be used for ballot notification. CAA may not make a blanket decision to allow members to vote electronically either through an administrative action or by popular vote of members.

To change your voting preference to electronic, you may download, complete, and return the Consent to Use of Electronic Transmissions form by email to or by mail to Caltech Alumni Association, MC 1-97, 1200 E California Blvd, Pasadena, CA, 91125.

3. How much does it cost to prepare and mail physical meeting announcements and ballots?

Based on recent figures, ballots cost from $1 to $1.50 each to print and mail. When possible, CAA inserts ballots into other publications already scheduled to mail to lower organizational mailing costs. Since each meeting announcement and ballot can cost more than $25,000, CAA works directly with legal counsel to limit the number of mailings required to conduct regular administrative business.


4. Can Annual Meeting announcements and ballots be distributed electronically?

Annual Meeting announcements may be sent via email. Ballots may be distributed electronically only if individual members express this preference via the Consent to Use of Electronic Transmissions form.

Last updated: July 5, 2023

2023 Annual Meeting of Members of the Caltech Alumni Association

The Annual Meeting of Members of the Caltech Alumni Association took place online, via Zoom, on Thursday, September 21, 2023. CAA members heard from the Board of Director leaders and CAA staff about the organizations accomplishments for fiscal year 2023 (October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023). During the year, the Caltech campus reopened and CAA returned to a full schedule of events held online, on campus, and in cities around the U.S. They learned about plans for the coming year, and approves the minutes from the 2022 Annual Meeting of Members.


Summary – 2023 Annual Meeting

Presentation – 2023 Annual Meeting

Agenda – 2023 Annual Meeting

Minutes – 2022 Annual Meeting


Sign Up for Electronic Voting

Sign up for electronic voting and make your CAA votes more efficient and sustainable. Each Techer must request individually to change voting preference, so complete your electronic voting request form today.

2025 Board Slate

We are pleased to announce the 2025 slate of directors for the Caltech Alumni Association board of directors and executive committee. Our directors serve as stewards of the Association funds and mission, bringing their professional skills and alumni experiences to the table. Directors advise and make strategic decisions that shape programming for over 25,000 living alumni. A committee composed of alumni and current board members meets to discuss and nominate candidates for the board. After reviewing the candidates and deliberating, the committee unanimously recommended, and the Board of Directors approved, the following slate of 10 directors:


New board members 


Current board members 

  • Frederic Caldwell, (BS ’96), Senior Manager and Technical PM at Netflix, San Jose, CA
  • Elizabeth Stameshkin, JD (BS ’03), Special Counsel at Cooley LLP, Palo Alto, CA
  • Jasmine Sears, PhD (BS ’12), System Engineer at Meta, Portland, OR
  • Miral Kim-E, PhD (BS ’78), Partner at Frontier Global Partners, La Jolla, CA
  • Tara Gomez-Hampton, PhD (PhD ’11), Associate Director at Biosense Webster, Pasadena, CA

Executive committee 

  • Dan Liebling, MS (BS ’02), chair of the board, director since 2017, Staff Engineer at Google Research, Seattle, WA
  • Tara Gomez-Hampton, PhD (PhD ’11) vice chair, finance, director since 2020
  • Miral Kim-E, PhD (BS ’78), vice chair, governance, director since 2021
  • Frederic Caldwell, (BS ’96), vice chair, leadership and outreach, director since 2021 

We were fortunate to have 19 candidates nominated through the online form available year-round. The committee nominates candidates after jointly examining the composition of the board and professional skills needed to support the organization. Directors will join the board unless an election occurs pursuant to §6.02 of the Association bylaws. You can help reduce election costs and save yourself time by registering to vote online.

Nomination process and committee composition 

A committee composed of alumni and current board members, as prescribed by the bylaws, reviewed candidates and deliberated to determine the slate of directors. Current directors on the committee included board chair Jennifer Lee, PhD (PhD ’10); vice chair Tara Gomez-Hampton, PhD (PhD ’11); Amanda Cashin, PhD (PhD ’06); vice chair Daniel Liebling, MS (BS ’02); Elizabeth Stameshkin, JD (BS ’03); Carly Robison (BS ’18); and Evan Tsang (BS ’99). Together the experiences of the alumni and alumni directors span more than 45 years as undergraduate and graduate students at Caltech. Director members recused themselves as appropriate to avoid conflicts of interest. We thank our alumni non-director committee members for their service to the board:

  • Rhonda MacDonald, SM (BS ’74), former CAA president, Gnome club member, Caltech Y supporter, and member of the Caltech Associates, Los Angeles, CA
  • Katie Dyl, PhD (BS ’04), Lead Petroleum and Natural Gas Modeler for U.S. Energy Information Administration, Washington, DC
  • Michael Woods (BS ’08), Senior Vice President, Luminous Computing, former IHC chair, Hinrichs Memorial Award and Richard G. Brewer Prize in Physics recipient, Mountain View, CA
  • Kitty Cahalan, PhD (PhD ’00), former Venerable House RA, Assistant Director for Educational Outreach at Caltech, Pasadena, CA

Learn more about board service on the Caltech Alumni website. For comments or questions, email

Jennifer Lee, PhD (PhD ’10)
Richland, WA

Dan Liebling, MS (BS ’02)
Vice Chair of Leadership
Seattle, WA

Tara Gomez-Hampton, PhD (PhD ’11)
Vice Chair of Governance
Pasadena, CA

Kevin Noertker, BS (BS ’09)
Vice Chair of Finance
Long Beach, CA