From Moon to Mars

From Moon to Mars Amit Kshatriya, MA (BS ’00), who is leading NASA’s planned return to the moon, on the power of galactic ambitions     Photography: Courtesy of NASA As the head of the agency’s new Moon to Mars program office, Amit Kshatriya, MA (BS...

An X-ray’d Supernova

An X-ray’d Supernova Robert Fisher, PhD (BS ’94), a professor at UMass Dartmouth, is one of a group of researchers who are using supercomputer-powered modeling to determine what causes Type Ia supernovae explosions. NASA/CXC/University of Texas Understanding these...

Fred Donald Russell

Fred Donald Russell Don received a Bachelor of Science (1957) and a Master of Science (1958) in Electrical Engineering from Caltech, where he was a member of Dabney House. In 1970, he received a PhD in electrical engineering from Stanford University. Don started out...

David F. Ollis

David F. Ollis Dr. David F. Ollis (BS ’63) Welcoming, gentle, generous, kind, humble, a true intellectual, and an outstanding scholar! These are a few of the words that colleagues and former students have used to describe Professor David Ollis, University...

Quantum Leaps

Quantum Leaps Eric Ostby, PhD (MS ’04, PhD ’09) on the current state of quantum computing—and the shape of things to come by Maureen Harmon Photograph by Nadia Tyson Though Eric Ostby, PhD (MS ’04, PhD ’09) was aware of the concept of quantum computing in his...