Jun 20, 2017 | Alumni News
Jun 20, 2017 | 2016-17 Issue, Alumni News
Why I Ate a Bug Neuroscientist Sam Wang (BS ’86) became famous for his hobby—-analyzing elections. Like many others, he predicted Hillary Clinton would win. Wang was so confident in the data, he then made a promise he would have to fulfill… by Ben Tomlin...
Jun 20, 2017 | 2016-17 Issue, Alumni News
The Manifold Man How Ian Agol (BS ’92) put the finishing stroke on a three-decades-old grand vision of mathematics—for which he won the 2016 Breakthrough Prize. by Erica Klarreich Illustrations by John Ritter When Ian Agol started as an undergraduate at Caltech in the...
Jun 20, 2017 | 2016-17 Issue, Alumni News
From Earworms to Ebola Most people would not choose to head into the center of an outbreak of infectious disease—not even journalists. Yet in October 2014, that’s exactly what Michaeleen Doucleff chose to do. A global-health and science reporter for National Public...