Circles of Thought

Circles of Thought Linus Pauling (PhD 1925) had a simple idea: pictures by Dan Morrell Caltech Archives While he was a faculty member at Caltech, educating students in the complexities of molecular structures and chemical bonds, and long before he was awarded the 1954...

Life in Transition

Life in Transition As she steps down as CEO of the Anita Borg Institute, Telle Whitney (PhD ’85) reflects on her career in tech—and the path ahead for the next generation of women. by Maureen Harmon Photo by Melissa Golden At the end of September, Telle Whitney (PhD...

Turning the Tide

Turning the Tide Oil spill expert CJ Beegle-Krause on her circuitous academic career, responding to Deepwater Horizon, and the art of predicting spills. by Dan Morrell Tomas Moss CJ BEEGLE-KRAUSE’S (BS ’82) varied academic interests always resisted a definitive path,...