Fires in the greater Los Angeles area have had significant impact on the Caltech's community and surrounding areas. For information and resources for members of the Caltech community, go to

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Alumni Email FAQs



Q. What is my email address?

A. Your email address is: <your username>

Q. How do I log in to Office 365?

    1. Go to
    2. Enter your username – (please note that this address with this domain name is used only for the login)

Q. My login is not being recognized. What should I do? ‍

A. Please make sure you are using the <your username> format of your address as the username. Also, especially for the initial log in to set up the account, use a private browser window. Recommended are Safari, Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge.

Q. I am setting up my new account. What are the password requirements?

A. Passwords cannot contain your user ID, the word “alumni” or the word “Caltech,” must be 8–16 characters long, and include at least 3 of the following:

  • Uppercase
  • Lowercase
  • Numbers
  • Symbols

Q. How do I reset the password?

  1. To generate a new password, go to:
  2. Enter for the username (this domain name is used only for the login; your alumni email address is <your username>
  3. After clicking on “Next”, click “Forgot my password” on the next page.
  4. The following page will be titled “Get back into your account.”
  5. Your user ID will be pre-populated with <your username>
  6. After entering the security characters, and clicking “Next”, the next page will provide several options for ways to be contacted to start the verification process for getting a new password.


Q. How do I change my authentication settings?

A. Instructions are at the following link: Change authentication settings

Q. How do I set up an email forward?

  1. After logging in, click the gear icon in the upper right corner
  2. Click “View all Outlook settings” located at the bottom of the pop-up window
  3. Make sure “Mail” is highlighted in the left-hand column of menu items
  4. In the column to the right of the “Settings” column, click on “Rules”
  5. Click “Add new rule”
  6. Click “Name your rule”
  7. Under “Add a condition,” click “Apply to all messages” at bottom of drop down menu
  8. Under “Add an action,” click on “forward to” and add the email address to which emails are to be forwarded
  9. Click Save


Q. How do I change the settings for which emails go to my Junk folder?

  1. Go to the gear icon in the top right corner of your Microsoft Office 365 inbox.
  2. In the search field, type “block”.
  3. “Block senders and domains” will pop up. After clicking on it, a window with junk email filter options will appear.


Q. How do I change or correct my display name?

A. Call the Alumni Association at (626) 395–6592 or send an email to: with the update.

Q. What are the maximum size limits for Office 365?

A. Individual mailboxes include 50GB of storage, and individual emails with attachments can be up to 25MB in size.

Q. Will I have access to the entire Office 365 suite?‍

A. Caltech is only able to offer the Office 365 email, calendar and contacts.

Q. Why did Caltech choose Office 365?‍

A. Caltech conducted an extensive evaluation process based upon our specific needs. Office 365 was the closest match for Caltech’s requirements and offered the best security and privacy features (FERPA, HIPAA, no data mining, no advertising, U.S. hosted data only, etc.)

Office 365 Features Include:

  • Easily manage your email with 50GB mailboxes and send messages up to 25MB in size.
  • Work from almost anywhere with automatically updated email, calendar, and contacts across the devices you use most, including PCs, Macs, iPhones/iPads, Androids, and Windows Phones.
  • Configure other email clients to access your Office 365 Exchange email, such as Apple Mail, Outlook 2016 for Mac, Thunderbird and others.
  • Access your email, calendar, and contacts from nearly any web browser with the Outlook Web App.