March 14, 2020
Robert L. Bixler
BS '53 | PhD '57

Robert (Bob) Bixler, 88, passed away peacefully at his home in Charlottesville, Virginia on Saturday, March 14, 2020 surrounded by family. Born on April 25, 1931 in Los Angeles, California, he married Dorothy Scholz, and graduated in 1957 from California Institute of Technology with his Ph.D. in chemistry. Robert spent 30 years at the Dow Chemical Company, three years consulting with Chinese companies, and seven years operating New Hope Community Clinic in Stafford, Texas, a charitable medical clinic for indigent people staffed by 400 volunteers. He and his wife organized and led a seniors group (YUMS) for three years at First United Methodist Church of Missouri City, Texas. Bob enjoyed family, golf, bridge, and cruising, taking over 20 cruises with his wife of 62 years. He was her loving caretaker in her later years. He is survived by his sister, Nancy Aitken of Las Vegas, Nevada, daughter Linda (and Mark) Fitzpatrick of Keswick, Virginia, son Robert (and Cyndi) Bixler, Jr of Marco Island, Florida, four grandsons, four great grandsons and a great granddaughter. He led a full life and served as a wonderful role model for his family.