October 1, 2001
Jeffrey M. Goldsmith

August 12, 1961 – October 1, 2021
Jeff passed away from bladder cancer Friday evening, October 1, just before 6:30, in his home, surrounded by friends. His passing interrupted the Barbu game, which continued after a break to toast him with Bushmills. Some tears were shed. We lit a candle. A nurse came to do the paperwork. Dave ordered pizzas for dinner. The man delivering the pizzas did not comment as he passed Jeff on the couch. The undertakers took Jeff away. Jake won the Barbu game.
It all sounds a little surreal, but this is what Jeff wanted. He was happiest when his friends filled his home, and ate his food, and played his games with him. Friends came from all over to create happy days for him in his last months. We ate too much, drank a bit, and laughed with Jeff.
We’ll spend the next week preparing for Jeff’s funeral and wake. He left instructions for a two day gaming party, which we intend to follow. His house has way too much ice cream in the freezer and whiskey in the bar for us to just walk away.
Jeff was a bridge player, computer graphics artist, baseball fan, board-game expert, chef, music lover, and many other things to many other people. The communities he built will live on after him.
Funeral information to follow in a separate email.
Sue and DJ and the rest of us.