
Krystal Vasquez

Krystal Vasquez

When I became disabled in grad school, I knew only one other disabled student. Wait, aren’t we more than 25% of the U.S. population? Where are the disabled scientists? I soon found out, however, that STEM and academia create unique challenges for disabled scientists and engineers, often pushing us out altogether. So, I created this piece in the hope that one day all these barriers are finally torn down and the disabled scientists that come after me can feel proud of their identities.


Krystal Vasquez

Krystal Vasquez

Krystal Vasquez

Krystal Vasquez

Krystal Vasquez

Krystal Vasquez created this piece in the hope that one day all these barriers are finally torn down and the disabled scientists that come after her can feel proud of their identities

Krystal Vasquez

When I became disabled in grad school, I knew only one other disabled student. Wait, aren’t we more than 25% of the U.S. population? Where are the disabled scientists? I soon found out, however, that STEM and academia create unique challenges for disabled scientists and engineers, often pushing us out altogether. So, I created this piece in the hope that one day all these barriers are finally torn down and the disabled scientists that come after me can feel proud of their identities.






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